The Equation

The Equation

Saturday, April 3, 2010

This is why I have this blog

I've begun to realize that my blog is essentially a recap of the New York Times articles involving science and culture. Given that lately I've had enough material to work with to post every few days, I think it says a lot that our nation's premier newspaper has so many articles that are informed by science.

So if you read the NYT religiously, you've probably read the article about how science and literary theory have begun to mix. Though the article apparently was rife with mistakes ( many, many editors corrections about names and details), it covers the type of stuff going on in this world that people need to hear about because it makes science interesting and applicable.

The final quote from one of the academics mentioned says that “It’s not that evolution gives us insight into fiction, but that fiction gives us insight into evolution.” While this is predictable pretentious zen speak, I think that by giving this quote some form of legitimacy, the article raises some cool questions to think about.

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